We understand the importance of your independence and will do all that we can to help our less able customers stay in their own homes for as long as possible.
If you have a disability or specific need that prevents you from living independently, you can apply to have an adaptation made to your home.
An adaptation is a change to your home which allows you or someone who lives with you, to live more independently, or which improves safety or mobility around the home.
For example, you may have difficulty:
- Walking or climbing stairs
- Bathing or using the toilet
- Getting in and out of your home
To apply for minor aids or adaptations, such as grab rails and small ramps, please contact our customer services team.
For larger adaptations, such as a ramp, level-access shower or stair lift, please contact your local occupational health team, who will need to visit you at home to assess your overall needs. You can contact Staffordshire Carers on 0300 111 8010, or Shropshire Council on 0345 678 9005 to request an occupational therapist assessment.
Our promise to you – we will:
- Listen to your needs and guide you to explore all the options available to you.
- Work in partnership with others to do the work needed in your home. Minor adaptations will be undertaken by our Property Plus team. Major adaptations will be completed in partnership with your local council occupational health team.
- Communicate timescales for completing adaptation work and will always try to complete the work as agreed. However, if we have to delay the work, we will tell you by writing, phoning or visiting you at home.
- Leave your home clean and tidy at the end of the day.
Who can apply?
Anyone who is a tenant of Homes Plus whose disabilities or specific needs prevent them from leading an independent lifestyle.
Is an adaptation the right thing for me?
In many cases an adaptation can help you live independently. Unfortunately we sometimes have to recognise that an adaptation is not the most appropriate answer or may not be possible in your home.
If that is the case, we can work with you to explore other ways of meeting your needs. This could include helping you find a new home which better meets your requirements.
How long does it take to get an adaptation?
Timings may vary depending on whether you request a minor or major adaptation.
Please note: even when an assessment is done and agreement is reached on which adaptations are needed, depending on the funding available and the number of people on the waiting list, you may still have to wait.
Below is the overall time it can take from receipt of an occupational therapist assessment to the completion of works.
Minor adaptations
Adaptation | Timescale |
Lever taps, grab rails, half steps | Within 1 month |
Small ramps | Within 1 month |
More extensive ramps (over £500) | Within 3 months |
Other minor adaptations requiring occupational therapist assessment | 3 months |
Major adaptations
Adaptation | Timescale |
External works | Within 2 months |
Shower over bath (if not minor works) | Within 2 months |
Stairlifts (straight) | Within 2 months |
Minor works to negotiate the property safely | Within 3 months |
Stairlifts (not straight) | Within 4 months |
Adapted kitchen/bathroom | Within 6 months |
Level access showers | Within 6-9 months |
Major works (e.g. extensions to the property)* | Within 12-18 months |
*subject to certain conditions, such as planning consent.
If you have an adaptation agreed and it’s approaching the end of its timescale but the work has not started, please contact our customer services team.
What happens when I no longer need the equipment?
We are keen to recycle unwanted equipment where it could benefit others. However, not all equipment and alterations can be removed.
Where adaptations have been carried out to a property designed for elderly people or those with a disability, these will not normally be removed, for example where a bath has been replaced with a level access shower.
Please contact our customer services team for further guidance.
Will adaptations affect my rent and service charges?
Weekly rent will be increased if the work has provided an additional room or rooms (through provision of an extension). However, weekly rent may be reduced if a bedroom is lost in order to accommodate the works.
A service charge will be introduced from the date of installation where adaptations require a maintenance contract to maintain or service the equipment, such as stairlifts, hoists and clos-o-mat toilets.