
As a leaseholder, you are responsible for the general repair and maintenance of everything inside your property. However, there are some exceptions, choose the relevant tab below to find out more.

If, after reading this page, you are still unsure about whether a certain repair is your responsibility, you can email us

If you live in a flat

Your repair obligations are outlined in the terms of your lease. However, in most circumstances you will be responsible for the following items:

  • The ceilings (but not the joists or beams or concrete floors).
  • All plaster and other surfaces to all floors, walls and ceilings in your property.
  • Internal doors within the property.  Please check your lease for the responsibilities for any external doors, including your front door.
  • All plumbing, electrical and wiring solely servicing your property.
  • All fixtures and fittings in the property (this usually includes window handles and locks).
  • All internal decoration.

We are usually responsible for repairs outside your property, to the communal areas (if any) and to the structure of the building, for example the roof and common use service pipes.

Should you need to report a communal, structural or estate repair for which Homes Plus as a landlord is responsible, you should contact us to arrange it. In some cases, it may be necessary for us to review the terms of your lease or freehold transfer before the repair is raised, in order to clarify responsibility. Once the repair is completed you will be liable to make a contribution to the costs of the works, in accordance with the terms of your lease.

Water leaks 

Where there are instances of leaks occurring into your flat from another leasehold property, we cannot get involved in repairing or making good any damage as it is both homeowners responsibility to resolve together. Once the leak has been rectified, a claim can be made on the building insurance for any damage or repairs. Please visit our buildings insurance page for a copy of the summary of cover and further information.

Where a leak occurs from a communal area or a Homes Plus tenanted property, please contact us to raise any required inspection/repair. Once the leak has been rectified, a claim can be made on the building insurance for any damage or repairs, as we will not complete any associated repairs inside your leasehold property. Please visit our buildings insurance page for a copy of the summary of cover and further information.

Gas safety 

As a homeowner it is your responsibility to have your gas appliances serviced regularly, otherwise they could become dangerous and can kill. If your gas appliance has not been checked for 12 months, it may be unsafe, and you may also be in breach of your lease. It is recommended that your appliances are checked every 12 months by a Gas Safe Registered engineer.

Reporting a repair 

If you need to report a repair that is our responsibility, as your landlord, please call our customer services team.

You can also report non-emergency repairs 24/7 online.

If you live in a house

Your repair obligations are outlined in the terms of your lease. However, in most circumstances you will be responsible for the following items:

  • All internal and external repairs

Should you need to report a communal, structural or estate repair for which Homes Plus as landlord is responsible, you should contact us to arrange it. In some cases, it may be necessary for us to review the terms of your lease or freehold transfer before the repair is raised, in order to clarify responsibility. Once the repair is completed you will be liable to make a contribution to the costs of the works, in accordance with the terms of your lease.

Gas safety 

As a homeowner it is your responsibility to have your gas appliances serviced regularly, otherwise they could become dangerous and can kill. If your gas appliance has not been checked for 12 months, it may be unsafe. It is recommended that your appliances are checked every 12 months by a gas safe registered engineer.

Reporting a repair 

If you need to report a repair that is our responsibility, as your landlord, please call our customer services team.

You can also report non-emergency repairs 24/7 online.

Do I need to let you in to my home?

At times it is essential for our staff to enter your home to inspect the property and carry out any repairs or improvements. We will give you notice of this and we will try to arrange to call at a time that is suitable to you.

The following are examples of when we may need to enter your home:

•  To repair a door entry phone.

•  To repair or replace your windows.

•  To investigate a water leak.

In an emergency, such as a bad water leak, we may need to get into your property without giving you written notice. If this happens, we will try to contact you. It is, therefore, important that you give us a contact telephone number where a key holder can be reached.

In exceptional circumstances, if we are unable to contact you, we may need to break in. Should this be the case, we will make sure the property is safe and secure before we leave.

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