Corporate Plan

Housing Plus group is a substantial regional housing organisation, strongly connected with its communities and stakeholders, with 18,000 homes across Staffordshire and Shropshire. Our recent merger with Homes Plus has brought together the expertise and capability of the existing teams and created exciting opportunities to develop and grow the group and its Care and Property businesses, whilst maintaining a clear focus on continuing to deliver good quality homes and services.

As a significant employer of around 800 staff, an investor and economic contributor across two counties, this Corporate Plan is designed to demonstrate how the new group’s objectives during the two year integration period will provide a firm foundation to enable the delivery of our ambitious merger objectives. Our plans are based around making a positive difference in three key areas: homes, lives and communities.

Our vision

Making a positive difference
Homes, lives and communities

Our values – CLARITY

Developed by our staff and board to express how we work with each other, our customers and stakeholders.

Providing communication that is timely, open, honest, clear and consistent.
Committed to seeking knowledge, innovating and adopting new ways of working to enhance the work of the group.
Taking responsibility for our actions and performance, providing support and ideas to seek solutions.
Being polite and considerate, understanding the needs of others, respecting and valuing their views.
Working together to create an environment that celebrates differences and embraces diversity of thought.
Acting with integrity at all times, empowering our colleagues and seeking assurance that others will do the same.
Taking personal responsibility for living and embodying our values. Acknowledging that colleagues, customers and stakeholders all have an important part to play in the success of the group.
You - Customer. You are the heat of all
You - Employees. We have a responsibility to live our values every day
You - Stakeholders. We can do more with you.

Our enablers

In order to deliver our customer focussed objectives, it is imperative that the group enables subsidiaries through ensuring:

  • The group’s ongoing financial resilience and business strength
  • Timely and affordable funding streams
  • Supportive Legal and Governance services
  • Effective IT systems and support which enable digital transformation
  • Investment in our staff, their training and development to meet the needs of our businesses, customers and their own professional aspiration
  • Effective risk identification and mitigation.

Our objectives
At the point of merger, we pledged to begin building 2,000 new homes by 2023 and committed to: delivering one-third more hours of care and support and creating 100 new apprenticeships in the group and our supply chain within the next five years. We also made a promise to remain accountable to our customers, with a customer voice at board level.

Our key priorities during the next two-year integration period are:

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My Homes Plus