Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey approach 2023-24

Thank you to all 1,061 tenants who completed our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) survey in 2023-24. This page shows a summary of how we carried out this survey, including the questions we asked and how we made sure that customers from different groups* were represented. 

*See ‘How were tenants selected?’ section below. 

When did we survey our tenants?

Tenants were surveyed at two different times in the 2023-24 year. You can see the dates for these, below. 

  • The first surveys were carried out between 2 October 2023 and 6 October 2023. 
  • The second batch of surveys took place between 19 March 2024 and 27 March 2024. 

We then combined the results from all 1,061 surveys to form our 2023-24 report.  

How was the survey carried out?

In 2023-24, all surveys were carried out over the telephone. Where needed, some tenants were sent an email by the telephone interviewer with a link to complete the survey online.

Who carried out the survey?

Our contractor, Acuity Research & Practice Ltd, carried out the survey on our behalf. As well as collecting this data, they were also responsible for selecting the sample of tenants from each group, creating the report and making sure that the results were valid. 

How did Acuity introduce the survey to tenants?

The Acuity telephone interviewers contacted our tenants directly and said the following, “My name is and I’m calling on behalf of Homes Plus. 

“We’re carrying out telephone surveys with customers of Homes Plus to find out how satisfied you are with your home and with the services that you receive from them. More information can be found on their website.  

“Would it be convenient to go through the survey with you now, it should only take about 10 minutes?”

If a customer responded with no, they were asked if they were happy to be called back at a different time.  

Acuity introduced themselves by saying “Before we start, I need to make you aware that I work for an independent research agency called Acuity, working on behalf of Homes Plus.  

“All calls will be recorded for training and quality purposes, and we are bound by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.  

“Any information that you give us will be treated in confidence and will be used to find ways of improving the service that Homes Plus provides.” 

Acuity explained how the information would be used, by saying “The survey will be used to calculate annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures to be published by Homes Plus and reported back to the Regulator of Social Housing”. 

Finally, if customers said that they would like to contact Homes Plus for more information, they were directed to call us on 0800 048 8955 or email our customer service team on one of the following email addresses: 

How were tenants selected?

The tenants were selected through a random stratified sample. This means that Acuity split the tenants into groups depending on: 

  • The type of home – such as retirement living
  • The area in which they live  
  • The age of the customer 

A number of tenants were then selected at random from each of these groups, to make sure that the feedback represented as many different customers as possible.  

You can see a breakdown of these groups, below. 


Group by type of property 

 Population Tenants surveyed in 2023-24 
Number of tenants Percentage of total number of tenants Number of tenants Percentage of total number of tenants 
 General needs 15528 88% 919 87% 
Retirement living  1860 11% 128 12% 
Retirement living Plus 249 1% 14 1% 
Total  17637 100% 1061 100% 


Group by age  

 Population Tenants surveyed in 2023-24 
Number of tenants Percentage of total number of tenants Number of tenants Percentage of total number of tenants 
 0 – 24  411 2% 25 2% 
25 – 34   2380 13% 148 14% 
35 – 44  3163 18% 193 18% 
45 – 54  2733 15% 165 16% 
55 – 59  1715 10% 104 10% 
60 – 64  1543 9% 90 8% 
65 – 74  2536 14% 150 14% 
75 – 84  2095 12% 128 12% 
85 + 996 6% 58 5% 
Unknown 65 0% 0 0% 
Total  17637 100% 1061 100% 


Group by area 

 Population Tenants surveyed in 2023-24 
Number of tenants Percentage of total number of tenants Number of tenants Percentage of total number of tenants 
 Area 1 5129 29% 305 29% 
Area 2 4712 27% 285 27% 
Area 3 2396 14% 144 14% 
Area 4 2524 14% 154 15% 
Area 5 2168 12% 131 12% 
Area 6 275 2% 17 2% 
Area 7  345 2% 21 2% 
Area 8  71 0% 4 0% 
Not applicable 17 0% 0 0% 
Total  17637 100% 1061 100% 


Sometimes ‘weighting’ is needed to make sure that feedback is proportional from each of the customer groups. This means taking the results from each customer group and re-calculating them depending on the size of the group.  

Our random stratified sampling approach helped us to achieve this representation, as explained above. Due to this approach, weighting was not applied to our results. 

What questions did we ask?

Our questions were mainly set by the Regulator of Social Housing. You can see these, below, in the order that they were asked. 

Code Question text Response options 
TP01 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Homes Plus? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 
TP04 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus provides a home that is well maintained? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 
TP05 Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus provides a home that is safe?  Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don’t know 
TP10 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 
TP02 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from Homes Plus over the last 12 months? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 
TP03 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 
TP11 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know 
TP12 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Homes Plus’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour?  Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know 
TP06 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus listens to your views and acts upon them?  Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know 
TP07 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus keeps you informed about things that matter to you? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know 
TP08 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following `Homes Plus treats me fairly and with respect`?  Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree, Not applicable / Don`t know 
TP09 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Homes Plus’ approach to complaints handling? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 


What additional questions did we ask?

To help us better understand the feedback from our tenants, we asked some additional questions. You can see these, below, in the order that they were asked.

Code Question text Response options 
TP01A What is the main reason for your answer when it comes to overall satisfaction? Free text 
TP10A Do you live in a building with communal areas, either inside or outside, that Homes Plus is responsible for maintaining? Yes, No,  Don’t know 
TP02A Has Homes Plus carried out a repair to your home in the last 12 months? Yes, No 
TP03B Is there anything you would like to say about how Homes Plus could improve its repairs and maintenance service?  Free text 
2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your neighbourhood as a place to live? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied 
1 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus is easy to deal with? 10 – Very satisfied, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 – Very dissatisfied 
3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Homes Plus gives you the opportunity to make your views known? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Have not given any views 
TP09A Have you made a complaint to Homes Plus in the last 12 months? Yes, No 
TP09B When making your complaint to Homes Plus, did you go through the official complaints process? E.g. stage1, stage 2 Yes, No, Unsure 
4 How likely would you be to recommend Homes Plus to other people on a scale of 10 to 0, where 10 is extremely likely and 0 is not at all likely? 10 – Extremely likely, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 – Not at all likely 
7 If Homes Plus could do ONE thing to improve its services, what would you like it to be? Free text 
P1 The results of this survey are confidential. However, would you be happy for us to give your responses to Homes Plus with your name attached so that they have better information to help them improve services? Yes, No 
P2 Would you be happy for Homes Plus to contact you to follow up any of the comments or issues you have raised? Yes, No 

Additional information

  • We didn’t offer tenants any incentives to complete the survey. 
  • We didn’t exclude any households when selecting the sample group. 
  • The feedback from every tenant who took part in the survey has been included in our results. 
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