A new era for 18,000 social housing tenants got underway this week, as three landlords in Housing Plus Group – South Staffordshire Housing Association, Severnside Housing and Stafford and Rural Homes – joined together to become Homes Plus.
The creation of a single landlord took place after consultation with customers, earlier this year.
Sarah Boden is Housing Plus Group chief executive: “The new name for our landlord service makes it clear that the provision of safe and well-maintained homes is what defines us as a values-driven organisation,” she said. “Homes Plus is also a reminder of our drive to do more, providing essential ‘Plus’ services like employment and money advice as well as support and investment for our communities.”
Homes Plus will create high quality employment and apprenticeship opportunities for local people and will support grass roots community projects and volunteering through its sponsorship fund.
“The things that matter most to customers will stay the same,” said Sarah Boden. “Rents and tenancies will not be affected and services will continue to be delivered locally in Staffordshire and Shropshire. Our vision to make a positive difference to homes, lives and communities is just as important and our values are unchanged”