The Housing Ombudsman is inviting social housing residents to apply to join its Resident Panel.
Joining the panel will allow you to contribute to the work it is doing to improve residents’ lives through sharing your experience of your landlord’s services.
As a member of the panel, you will help identify where services can be improved and help make sure that residents are at the centre of its work.
You will attend regular meetings with the Ombudsman and have your say through surveys, consultations and virtual discussions.
Members will also be the first to hear about the work the Ombudsman is doing to improve landlord services and how it will positively impact residents living in social housing.
The Ombudsman wants to make its service accessible to everyone that lives in social housing. As a panel member, you can help it reach people in your local community and raise awareness of its work.
Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, said: “This is an important opportunity for residents to get involved in helping develop the work of the Ombudsman in the coming years. Over the past few years, the Resident Panel has provided us with vital feedback on projects such as the Complaint Handling Code and this will improve the lives of residents for years to come.
“We are now looking at making the next panel bigger and even better, encouraging more residents to sign up and be part of making social housing a better place for everyone. We encourage landlords to share this within their resident networks too to ensure we are fully representative of social housing residents in the country.”
You can find out more about the role and how to apply on its website, using the link below: